Friday, December 04, 2009

Collect Call; its a .......

So please tell me you have seen this commercial.

An older man and woman are sitting on the couch reading books.
Phone rings and the man picks it up
you can hear on the other end,"you have a collect call from... " "itsbobwehadababyitsaboy"
The older man slowly puts down the phone,
his wife asks, "who was that?"
"It was Bob, they had a baby, its a boy"

so here is our collect call to you,


this picture is bad, cause I took it with my camera, I can't get my scanner to work.
But he was not shy.

Jeff is EXCITED, and making football plans already.
I am so happy he is healthy.
Kloey keeps saying how right she was.
Klaire has no idea whats coming.

ahh... so happy!


Sarah Pace said...

yeah for a boy!!!! I can't wait to see what he looks like. between you and jeff he'll be adorable. You guys already have the cutest little girls ever!!
Oh and I have seen the comercial, Funny!!

Shavan said...

Even though the picture was a little blurry I could tell it was a boy...but, I should know right :)

Tiffany said...

YAY! Congrats! I bet you guys are so excited to be having a boy after having 2 girls! How fun! :)

Unknown said...

Hurrah!! We love those Reidhead boys!

Braden and Cheri said...

YEAH! I'm so glad you got to have your ultrasound. And yes, that commercial was hilarious. Yeah for a boy!

Jenn said...

Congrats my sis!!! That is so exciting to finally have a boy in the family!! SO happy for you!

DeWitts said...

Boys are awesome! Congrats!

Becca said...

Hi Krista- Saw this post on Martis blog. So excited for you!! We just found out were having a girl after two boys. I Bet youre so excited. Boys are so fun!!

Hanie said...

I am so happy to here the great news! Good luck with making the change from frilly to sporty!

Carrie Allen said...


Jennifer Larson said...

Congrats. Boys are fun. I always think every family needs at least one of each. I like your creative way to tell everyone.