Monday, August 01, 2011


I am obviously Very excited I won this wonderful pillow! I really never win anything... E.V.E.R.  I love reading this lady's blog, 'pregnant chicken' she has a funny sense of humor and it has good information on pregnancy.  After posting on her blog, out of over 150 people who posted hoping to win this pillow, I was selected! SCORE!  It was so funny cause Jeff was next to me studding when I was reading her blog, and I posted on it and said, "I am going to win this pillow" he was like, whats my wife talking about, and I think he was as shocked as me when I checked tonight and won.  He asked, "how did you know"..... haha, I didn't but HOPED. Yay, I am excited for some decent sleep!

'The Dreamgenii was designed by a pregnant mother who was unable to get a decent night's sleep and felt frustrated with the cumbersome size of other pregnancy pillow products. Its ingenious design provides support for the back, bump and knees without taking up the entire bed and continues to be useful after birth as a nursing pillow'

woohoo! (yes I am a very easily excited)


mad white woman said...

That's awesome! I can relate, since I almost never win things either. However, I'm pretty sure I'm going to win a mini-van I just entered to win. Ha ha. :)

{Jesica Huffaker} said...

Yay for you!! That pillow looks so awesome. I'm not pregnant but I'm pretty sure I need one now. P.S. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I'm so nervous to move to Utah but excited too. Yay for change and escaping 120 degree weather!