A week ago today I gave birth to the sweetest 7 lb baby girl. We named her
Kelsea Rose Reidhead
she was exactly 7 lbs. and they measured her at 18 3/4 inches long, (but didn't do it very accurately) on Monday when I took her in to the Dr. she was 21 inches long. SO.... I am going with 21. It was the best delivery out of all of my children. I LOVED my midwife who delivered her. It was great to be with most of my sisters and sister in law. My two dear Mothers, and a very handsome man who encouraged me the entire time. Poor Jeff was the only male with 15 other women in the room. (not 15 but close)
Kelsea Rose gets her name from her sweet Aunt Chelsea, and her Great Grandma Rose, (Jeff's Dads Mom). I love this little girl so much, she is such a sweet bundle of joy, and her spirit is just so strong. She sleeps great, eats ALL the time, and poos like a champ. I have even heard her giggle the last couple of days in her sleep. Her sisters and big brother are so great with her, they show her much love and affection, maybe a little too much. We are so thankful to have her join our troops. My good friend Shavan came over today and took some pictures of her, I can't wait to share them, they are too cute! Poor Shavan was so patient, Kelsea was being good, but eating and pooping the whole time, and then she peed on Shavan. I think she was finally able to get some really cute ones.
It has been such a roller coaster getting here to Snowflake, but so worth it, and it is where we need to be right now, and guess what!?? I am now getting to do the dishes with... NOT 1 but 2, yes TWO dishwashers, I am in heaven! The kids have LOVED the freedom of getting to play outside, and play with cousins on a daily basis! It has really been great!
I will post some pictures soon of sweet Kelsea when I can. I am off to feed this sweetie.
Congratulations Krista! I can't wait to see pictures and since the first four turned out pretty darn cute, I can't imagine this one will be any different. :)
oh congrats! love her name. can't wait see this cute little bundle of joy.
Congratulations! Hooray for baby girls! I can't wait to see pics!
Sorry, that was from my sister's account. It's Cheri, not Kerri...
Congrats on the new little one! :)
you have such a beautiful family! congrats!
You did amazing Kris. You made that birth seem like a piece of cake! I love that sweet girl! I can't wait any longer. I need my cold to go away so I can come love on her! I miss you. Can't wait to see more of Shavan's pictures!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see the pics!!! And if you are SnowFlake my dear, I think I best be making a trip up north!!
You go girl with the all natural..I might just have to try that...nah
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