Friday, January 13, 2012

woo wee I am so far behind

I know there are so many posts of mine that start off, "I know I haven't blogged in awhile.... " Or "its been so long..."  so I'm not even gonna go there, (it just makes me feel like a slacker)
so anywhoo....
Christmas was amazing! I have so many pictures but I left my camera battery in Snowflake, and as I started to download them onto the computer my camera died (FAIL) here are a few Nathan & Ryan emailed me.
 Bunny Ears, I love how Klaire is giving them to herself and looking who knows where, and how Tarrah is just like... what did I marry into haha, and JOE, oh Joe, poop much?! and Randy and Kathryn just CRACK me up!

 a Normal family pic.  This is ALL of us! Crazy! We all haven't been together in so long.

 HAHAHA, when I saw this one I just about died at Randy, and Ryan. 

 The intense ping-pong tournament, Dad took it this year, Jeff got 2nd place again :) at least he is consistent.

The beautiful Momma and Shelley! So much fun when Shelley gets to come!

I will post more pictures when I can download them onto my computer.
We blessed Kelsea on Christmas and it such a beautiful blessing, Jeff in the middle of the blessing started to call Kelsea, KL... and corrected himself haha. I guess having 3 girls with the "K" sound can really be a problem.
Jeff's brother Matt got home and we had a blast with him also, he is so funny and has grown up so much!

I am excited for 2012 its going to be a great year! on a funny note... Jeff is in the back-ground dancing with the girls singing "SUNSHINE...." to the music WILD THING, HAHAHA, close Jeff.  Last night we had 3 sick kids in bed with us, Kelsea was right next to us in her bassinet, and thank heavens she didn't wake up cause there was really no room for her in bed with us, and I just laughed, cause we are all so tired today, that could be the reason he is singing random words to songs he should know.


mad white woman said...

Your family is so fun! At least 50% of my family would walk away if we tried to take silly pictures. Ha ha. :)

{Jesica Huffaker} said...

Your mom and Shelley look so beautiful, as usual!