Sunday, February 12, 2012

Justin Beaver

 My conversation with Kloey when I came down-stairs this morning.

Kloey: Mom, there is this guy in my class who looks like Justin Beaver, and everyone calls him Justin Beaver.. like they wave to him and say 'Hi Justin Beaver'  but he isn't like 17- well I don't know how old he really is, but it's not the real Justin Beaver.

(haha) Me: Oh really

Kloey: Ya, Did you have a Justin Beaver when you were in school?

Me: no... (HAHAHA, I am dying inside)

Kloey: Oh, cuz there is this girl who has a Justin Beaver back-pack, it's so funny... and like ALL the girls love Justin Beaver, it's so weird.

Me: do you know who Justin 'Bieber' is?

Kloey: I have no idea?

as she goes right back to coloring and doing her puzzles, and now I'm stuck with the tune 'baby, baby, baby Ooooooo' in my head.


Brock said...
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{Jesica Huffaker} said...

Oh your kids are SO cute! And they are so lucky to have you as their mom :)

P.S. I was accidentally signed in under my husband's email so the deleted comment is from me. I almost left it but didn't want to freak you out (who the heck is Brock?!) Miss you!

mad white woman said...

I'd rather not say how long it was that I thought his last name was Beaver too. Ha ha.

holly & anthony said...

Haha so so funny! Kids are so entertaining and the way they perceive things is awesome!