Wednesday, May 23, 2012

oh boy I am a SLACKER

I have been putting off posting for seriously OVER a month.  I have been busy yes, but not too busy to update this purdy lady.  Just over a month ago, Klaire came downstairs and said "Mom the computer is busted" I was like ehhh... no big deal she probably just can't get the mouse to click on her PBS web sight.... so I came upstairs to the computer to find a BLACK screen with only the recycle bin on the desktop.  Somehow Klaire erased EVERYTHING- and I am NOT computer savey, so I restarted it, and restored it to its last "session" and almost everything came back up except ALL my pictures.  I can't find them anywhere.  I am just sick about it.  I do not have them backed up for lots of reasons, but now that I don't have any pictures they are all about the dumbest reasons I can think of.  I am still in high hopes some computer savey person will come and save my life.... (i mean pictures) it really is just so sad.  We lost the first couple years of our marriage and Kloeys birth after we backed all our pictures up onto a little USB drive because Jeff was rebuilding our computer, and the USB thingy got broken in one of our moves so we sent it off to this computer lab and they got everything off of the USB and it cost us over $800- and then they LOST all our info.... yes..  they couldn't find it. So they paid us back... and to this day have no idea where our info is.  So I was so hesitant to put anything on a USB .. thingy, and our CD burner doesn't work- after Jeff rebuilt it... SO.... we have no proof that we got married had 4 babies moved like a bazillion times and did fun stuff too :( I am just sad about it.
sorry to just go off on my rant (but maybe someone will know what I need to do)


Tomorrow is Kloey's last day of school, I am so proud of her.  I can tell she is excited, she can't wait for summer Snowflake trips.  She has been growing so fast, and she is so smart, and loving and kind!  She is about to loose her first tooth and it just weirds me out, I know its not that big of a deal, but I get so nervous/excited for her to loose it, like life will never be the same, haha.  Next thing will be puberty.. then dating, and driving- YIKES, I am getting WAY ahead of myself.  I like her just this size!

Klaire is my go to gal lately, she loves to help and with Kloey being gone at school she has just taken on that big sister role.  She loves to be home- she usually doesn't like to go anywhere... its weird, she plays really good with Jax and Kloey, but mostly likes to play by herself (for HOURS) she has the best imagination and can still tell a story that will blow your mind! its awesome!

Jaxon, Jaxon- oh that boy is as sweet as can be but is into everything!  I make a big green smoothie every morning that me and the kids share, and Jax loves it- he begs every morning 'shaaake, shaaake'? I have caught him 3 times this past week getting into the cupboard getting out the blender pouring baby FORMULA into it- with water, and making a HUGE mess, he has ruined a couple containers of formula, I finally put that out of reach after he tried the 2nd time, and the 3rd time he used baby oatmeal.  He is funny, and so loving- he gives such good hugs and kisses its so cute, hard to stay mad at that little man.

Kelsea is 8 months today! She honestly is still the BEST baby!  I am waiting for the fussy teething stage to kick in, but it hasn't. (cross my fingers)  She is standing on EVERYTHING, climbing stairs, she is by far my fastest crawler.  She is a tiny little thing and wiry as can be! She lights up when I get her from her nap and seriously jumps to me as I'm getting her out of her crib, it is so sweet.  She LOVES when Jeff's gets home from work, she will crawl so fast to him and he picks her up and she just slaps his face over and over while happily screaming!

Jeff is working at Grand Canyon University, he loves it and is really good at what he does!  He has only been there since November but has already been bumped up in salary and position.  He has so many great opportunities with GCU.  He is finishing up his Masters there, and we will see after that where we will be.  He has had a crazy 'carreer' path but has always let the spirit lead him, he is such an amazing person and such a great Dad to his kids!  I am sure lucky to have him! 
I'm going to school now and having a hard time balancing everything, but I find it so rewarding knowing that I am bettering myself.  If I could just loose this blasted extra weight I have been loading around since after Jax, but consistency I heard works best.
well, sorry... no pics (tear) maybe another time.


Braden and Cheri said...

Krista! I feel your agonizing pain. We've been thru 3 computer crashes. After the last one, realizing all our non-back up excuses were completely lame too, we signed up for online backup with Carbonite. I would HIGHLY recommend them. It's like $60 a year (though your first month is free) and it backs up your computer every day without you having to think about it, so you will never forget to do it (though you manually have to tell it to backup your videos). Then, it is stored online, so you will never lose your usb or whatever. AND you can access your files from any computer, so if you're in snowflake and need a recipe from your home computer, you can get onto and view your files. We love it and it gives us so much peace of mind, especially as our current computer sounds like a diesel car. We know it's going out soon! Anyway, check it out. It is worth it!

mad white woman said...

Ugh, that makes me sick. I store my pictures on a hard drive that I carry around with me in my purse and back them up on another hard drive that is supposed to be in our safe (but it's not right not, watch my house burns down :)). Anyway, I would try taking it to Best Buy or somewhere like that. They might be able to restore the pictures and hopefully it won't cost $800 - that seems a bit outrageous.

On a different note, does this mean you are back in Arizona? How'd I miss that? If you're close, we should get together this summer.