Monday, October 04, 2010

Little Miss Kloey

I enrolled Kloey into school about a week after we got here.  She loves it!  Her teacher is Ms. Petty, and she is such a sweet southern belle.  She has a very thick southern accent, and says sweetheart about every other word.  She is a doll, and Kloey loves her!  They wear uniforms to school she goes everyday for half a day, and it is just so weird to me, I really thought this would never come.  She seems so grown up, and acts like it too.  Jeff had given her a fathers blessing before she went, it was so sweet and loving, I know it helped Kloey realize that this is a new step in her life, and she is ready and excited to start! I love this big girl!


Tiffany said...

Glad to see you guys made it to Texas ok and are settling in and loving it :)
Kari told me about that crazy experience with that first house...I can't imagine having that happen after pulling up after that long drive! I'm glad you guys were able to get your $ back and find a better place.
Hope you guys are having fun and adjusting to school life :) Your kids are all looking so grown-up!

Sarah Pace said...

she is so stinkin adorable!!! especially in her cute little uniforms:)

Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...

Oh I can't wait!! And I can't believe she is old enough to go! How fun for her & what a [relief] to have 1 gone during the day to focus on the other 2? If Klaire let's you focus on her brother.. ;) haha
Is it a uniform she is wearing?