Parker College of Chiropractic Student Oath
I do hereby affirm, before God and those assembled witnesses of peers, that I will keep this oath and life commitment:
To hold in esteem and respect those who will teach me this chiropractic healing art; to follow the methods of treatment, science, and education:; to abstain from whatever is deleterious and unethical; and to stand ready at all times to serve and be respectful of my fellow peers and faculty without distinction of race, creed, or color. With purity, I will pass my time at Parker College to learn and practice my art. I will at all times consider the Patients that will be under my care to be of supreme importance. I will not spare myself in providing my patients the care I have been taught to give by my clinic and academic faculty. I will keep inviolate all things revealed to me as a student of Chiropractic. While I continue to faithfully keep this oath, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the chiropractic healing art here at Parker College of Chiropractic.
We love and support you Jeff in this journey :)
Fancy. This reminds me how badly my back would like me to go to the chiropractor. :)
PS Your bangs are cute!
how exciting. looks like you guys are doing so good and ditto with what anna said, i love your bangs.
Aahhh! I got a warm fuzzy and felt so proud of my little brother! You all look wonderful and I miss you!
Very cool. Love the family picture. Klaire has hair! They are getting so big. Court was talking about Klo just yesterday.
Oh man, and I thought getting my diploma was cool...I WANT A WHITE COAT! Oh, and loving the Asian bangs. ;D...I might go for bangs again, but not until I go back to Hawai'i. I only trust one person to cut my bangs and she lives in Laie. Haha
And P.S, looks like mama's keeping up with her blog better than you. I win!
GO JEFF!! He looks like a natural in that white coat!! Krista, you are looking smokin' hot!! Love the bangs.
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