Friday, February 24, 2012

A day of Food

I am one of those people who can eat the same thing day after day after day..(I say that now right). So I am going to start off easy on myself and see how it goes. This is what I ate today, what I will eat tomorrow and most likely for the next week, I will post if it changes up a bit.

  Green Smoothie  (Yum Yum)
      -3 cups of Spinach leaves
      -Pure Trim chocolate protein shake
      -peanut butter
ice & water then blend
=720 cal divide that by 2 (for my sweet Jeff) so.. 360 cal.

    Coaches Oats 51 cal. (I say 50 because a little spewed over in the microwave)
    1/2 Cup of Cashews    320 cal. (wow)

1:30 (was my intention on eating but I forgot until 2:30)
     -3 cups of Spinach leaves
     -1/3 cup of sliced almond
     -2 oz of turkey
     -light raspberry vinaigrette  240 cal.

3:30 (pushed to 4:30, because of previous meal)
  Peanut Butter (I'm talking the Organic kind that has to be refrigerated (so much better))  250 cal.

  4oz Chicken Breast seasoned with Spike
  Steamed mixed veggies   170 cal.

Total Cal= 1440 (if I did my math right)

How I felt....- honestly this isn't the best day to judge how i felt ... because I was so very tired from lack of sleep from nursing Kelsea what felt like ALL night (I think I need to get her something more to eat)-  and I woke up on the wrong side of the bed... not really sure why?  Then I REALLY wanted to get my house clean, and Jax decided to take his diaper off about 5 times today and pee on his toys the girls horse Maximus ... ME... why.. CHILD, why..? It was me really just following him around all morning while he made messes, I had HAD it with him. :\ and I didn't get to go work out, so... FAIL. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Oh I almost forgot, Kari gave me a website that I have been checking out, and AmAzing :) ck it out  for recipes and good stuff :) THANKS KARI LEE!


mad white woman said...

I am not trying to be annoying - and no, I didn't check your math. :) BUT, 1440 is not enough calories if you're nursing. Seriously, you need closer to 2000. And probably 2000 if you're exercising. Regardless, that's a lot of healthy food. I eat healthy like that... and then binge on junk food. Like tonight, I just ate chocolate covered cinnamon bears. :) How do you keep from snacking? Like all day long, that's my problem. Oh, and I have a few recipes I will try to e-mail over.

Krista said...

oh my goodness, not annoying at all- see I need advice, I keep thinking I need less cal. but I probably need more so my body won't be hanging on to what I do eat because its so HUNGRY. Yes- please send over recipes, kristareidhead@hotmail
My biggest problem is when I eat and how often, I seriously could go all day with no food and then eat once the kids go down (so bad) so I have to remind myself to eat every 3 hours.
Jeff always asks me every day when he gets home from work...'what did you eat? when did you eat..? KRISTA (in the shameful tone)'