Tuesday, February 07, 2012

such a big boy

Jaxon has been cracking me up, driving me crazing, wearing me out, and talking so much lately it is so darn cute! Last night, Kloey, Klaire and Jax all slept in the same room.  Jaxon was moved from his crib to the trundle that Klaire use to sleep on, Klaire was bumped up to the top Trundle and Kloey was moved to her own bed.  It was a big deal.  I have been wanting to move Jaxon out of the crib for some time because Kelsea is just too big for the bassinet I have her in, she fills it completely and when she rolls over in it she can see over the edge, its funny when I go to check on her and she is looking over the edge at me ( haha) ... AND in all honesty he has been climbing out of his crib since he could walk, (at 8 months!)  so it wasn't like it was holding him in.  He did ok in his big boy bed, ever since he was sick a couple weeks ago he has been waking up at night, and I don't know if its because of habit now or what but he did come get in bed with us at about 4ish.  He did go right to bed after scriptures and a few songs, so for his first night in a big boy bed I'll take it. 
Jaxon has also been trying to potty-train himself! I am just SO not ready for this, I find him in the nude quite a bit, and I ask him, 'where are your clothes!' he then tells me 'poo poo in potty'... so I check and sure enough he has done his business. Then I tried to get him to go pee in the potty one day and after I had gotten the lower clothing off I was taking off his shirt (it was bath time) and while I'm taking his shirt off he pees ALL over me, ya... not sure if he is ready, he at least has got the concept down, so when it is time it might just be a breeze (fingers crossed).
I love this little man so much, he is definitely ALL boy, and into everything, and climbing the walls practically but he is sweet and tells me he loves me all the time :)


DeWitts said...

boys are so fun!

i'm still running. josh's friend at the hospital gave him a runny timeline thing that i've been doing. if you want it i can email it to you. it hasn't been that bad. i'm not a runner, i would rather go play vball or bball instead but i have to get this dang weight off somehow. i've been doing weight watchers for forever but i pretty much have to starve myself. so i decide to cut back on breads and just eat lots of fruits, veggies and run. Let me know if you want the running thing you start out at 15min so its really not that bad.

Krista said...

yes PLEASE :) kristareidhead@hotmail

mad white woman said...

I love that you're posting more these days. :)

I can't believe that boy was walking at 8 months.

My Hazel is still not walking and still not showing interest in walking and she's 13 1/2 months old. Ha ha.

kate said...

He is so BIG! What the heck?! The last time I saw him he was just a little dude!